March 9, 2009

Monday's "omg a Ms. New Booty reference maybe this week won't be so bad after all" Funpage!

(BTW! You can now post comments on the blog without having to register or anything, so please feel free to give Chethlyn some feedback. )

1. Bagels bagels bagels bagels (rockin' everywhere)
2. Be cool. Change your password.
3. The Bochner Lecture: Neuropolitics in the 21st Century (brain pickin time)
4. Spencer Wells Lecture: Deeeeep Ancestry – Inside the Genographic Project
5. Leadership in Crisis: Guiding Houston through the Storm (AKA we
6. BEER!! BIKE!! parking preparations (watch your coches)
7. A Muslim Woman's Jihad
8. SMR apps due TODAY (Do you have what it takes to be the next Mike Z??)


A) Bagel Humor:
B) Hilar suburbanite Weezer-sampled rap AKA I love college by Asher Roth
C) 7 Dinosaurs any of us Hanszenites could take in a fight
D) Amoeba game!

1. Bagels bagels bagels bagels (rockin' everywhere)

The Rice Coffeehouse in the RMC is now offering fresh bagels from Houston's own "Hot Bagel Shop". Bagels are always $1.00 and cream cheese only $0.25. Featuring the following flavors (while supplies last): plain, everything, cinnamon raisin and seven grain!

The Rice Coffeehouse is committed to offering local options at the best price so please support your student-run coffeehouse in the RMC. Featuring fair-trade certified and organic coffees.

Day old bagels will be sold at half price while supplies last.

Check out: for menus and updates!

2. Be cool. Change your passcode.

Please change your NetID login password when you
change your clocks this weekend as Daylight Saving
Time begins.
NetID passwords can be changed online at:

Changing your password twice a year significantly
reduces the risk of compromised accounts and systems.

Additional information will be available soon on how
to ensure your Rice desktop email reader is setup
in preparation for a change that will reduce the
amount of spam that originates in the Rice network.

Questions? Contact Marc Scarborough, Information
Security Officer, x5735 or
Thanks for helping make Rice safer for your
computer, your identity, and your data.

Carlyn Chatfield
Manager, IT Technical Communications

3. The Bochner Lecture: Neuropolitics in the 21st Century (it's brain pickin time)

SCIENTIA: an Institute for the History of Science and Culture, in collaboration with the Department of Anthropology, presents

Nikolas Rose
Martin White Professor of Sociology
Director, BIOS Centre for the Study of Bioscience,
Biomedicine, Biotechnology and Society
London School of Economics and Political Science

"Neuropolitics in the Twenty First Century"
What consequences will recent developments in neurobiology have for the ways in which we are governed by others, and the ways we govern ourselves? The development of psychology in the twentieth century had a major social impact: on understanding and treatment of distress; on conceptions of normality and abnormality; on techniques of socialisation, education, regulation, reformation and correction; on advertising, marketing and consumption technologies; on the management of human behaviour in practices from the factory to the military. Human beings came to understand themselves as inhabited by a deep interior psychological space that is the site of personhood and personality, the locus of inscription of beliefs, the origin of affect, the target of therapeutic interventions. Psychological expertise played a significant role in making it possible to govern individuals, families, groups and populations in liberal democracies. In the early 21st century, we are witnessing a cascade of claims from the new brain sciences, which appear to map conduct, affect, and cognition directly onto the brain. This lecture will consider whether the languages, techniques and personnel of the new neurobiological complex supplement or supplant psychological ways of thinking and acting. What are the social, political, economic, scientific and technological conditions for the emergence of these new ways of thinking? What styles of explanation and intervention are taking shape, and what are their consequences for ideas of subjectivity, identity and normality?

Monday, March 9, 2009
7:00 p.m. - McMurtry Auditorium
Duncan Hall, Rice University
(reception after colloquium)
Lecture is free and open to the public.

4. Spencer Wells Lecture: Deeeeep Ancestry – Inside the Genographic Project

SCIENTIA: an Institute for the History of Science and Culture, in collaboration with the Department of Anthropology, presents

Spencer Wells
Explorer-in-Residence, National Geographic
Director, Genographic Project

"Deep Ancestry: Inside the Genographic Project"

Since 2005, over a quarter of a million people have participated in the Genographic Project, a non-profit anthropological initiative that uses DNA to study humankind's ancient family tree and provide the first true "snapshot" picture of how human groups moved out of Africa and around the globe 60,000 years ago.
Friday, 13 March, 2009
4:00 p.m.
McMurtry Auditorium, Duncan Hall

5. Leadership in Crisis: Guiding Houston through the Storm (AKA we < / 3 Ike)

Last September, Houston Mayor Bill White and Harris County Judge Ed Emmett stood front and center as Hurricane Ike battered Southeast Texas. Join them six months later as they discuss with Dr. Michael Lindsay the challenges they faced and strategies they used in guiding Houston through the storm.

Thursday March 12th, 6:00-7:00 PM, Sewall 301

Sponsored by Leadership Rice and HERE

6. BEER!! BIKE!! parking preparations

If you were here during spring break, you may have noticed that the bike track located in the Greenbriar Parking Lot was closed temporarily for maintenance and preparation for Beer Bike. The bike track was re-opened today (March 9th) for use by students for Beer Bike training.
Also effective today, all parking within the track will be prohibited. Areas of the lot that are closed to parking will be flagged and barricaded, and Parking Enforcement and RUPD will monitor the lot to ensure this policy is enforced and the safety of students using the track is maintained. Riders should note, however, that approved vehicles will on occasion enter the closed interior of the track area to set up tents, bleachers, and other equipment for Beer Bike.
While the track area is closed to parking, West Lot 3 on the northeast side of the stadium will be open for approved parkers who currently use the Greenbriar Lot.
Beginning on March 25th, the bike track will be closed to riders on weekdays (M-F) and open to riders on weekends (Sat. and Sun.). Vehicle parking inside the track will be permitted again (on weekdays only) beginning on March 25th.
Thank you for your consideration and cooperation with these policies.
At Your Service,
The Rice Parking Team

7. A Muslim Woman's Jihad

What role does Jihad play for an American Muslim woman? What's it like to be a Muslim convert here?

The Muslim Students Association presents the first lecture of the Islamica Series: A Muslim Woman's Jihad. Don't miss this discussion with Professor Fidelma O'Leary, an Irish-born Muslim who was featured in the National Geographic documentary "Inside Mecca." Professor O'Leary will discuss how she came to find Islam, her struggle with living as an American Muslim, and how she has coped with her family's lack of acceptance of her Islamic faith. And best of all, you get a one-of-a-kind opportunity to ask questions and also speak with her after the event!

What: The Muslim woman's Jihad: A convert's perspective
When: Tuesday, March 10
Time: 8:00 - 9:30 pm
Where: Keck 102
A reception will follow the event.

Professor O'Leary teaches neuroscience at St. Edward's University in Austin, Texas. She is the co-founder of Freedom of Faith Foundation, an organization that promotes a more tolerant society where all people are free to practice their faiths.
We strongly encourage you to attend, especially now when reliable information about Islam is hard to find.
Check out for "Inside Mecca" footage of Dr. O'Leary!
8. SMR apps due TODAY (Do you have what it takes to be the next Mike Z??)

Today is the last day for students to turn in their applications at Housing & Dining for next year’s SMR position. I have attached the application to this email. Please pass this email along to any interested residents. I need more applications for the colleges. There are still colleges where I have received either one application or no applications for this position. Your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you very much,
Mark Chaszar
Housing Operations Manager


P.S.: For all of you who are going to have a ridiculously difficult week this week,
Chethlyn feels your pain. Hang in there! If at any point you decide you'd like someone
to hug, walk up to either of us and hug it out. Like, just have at it. We understand
(for the most part).

PPS: Under further consideration, "Do you have what it takes to be the next Mike Z?"
should be a reality TV show and it needs to start sometime close to now. Make it happen,


Karen said...

looking good!

ps. i freaking love asher roth - good call.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE stop with the really long titles for funpages. Everyone thinks it, I'm just saying it.

Unknown said...

These fun pages are awesome Chethlyn! Keep up the great work!

Unknown said...

Oops, sorry wrote the same comment twice for double awesomeness! Haha, sorry about the mess guys!

Just a comment though. I don't know if you guys have mentioned this already, but the Environemnt Club is hosting a large conference at Rice this week, with several speakers giving talks on the topics covered.

Anonymous said...

I miss "In Mike and Casey we trust." Why is this not an option in the vote? Bring it back, plz.