October 29, 2009

1. Competition Pool Opens Monday
2. Rice Homecoming Election 2009
3. Fondren BDay Party
4. NODgeball
5. Are you interested in directing the Vagina Monologues?
7. Cell Phone Drive
8. RENT!

1. Competition Pool Opens Monday

This email is meant to serve as an official announcement that the Barbara and David Gibbs Recreation and Wellness Center Competition Pool will open on Monday, November 2nd at 6 AM. This new heated swimming pool will provide the Rice community with ample opportunity for both recreational and competitive swim events. Visit the Web site at: http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~ricerec/aquatics/schedule.html for more details on open hours and our expanded lap swim schedule.

Please note that during the opening week, we will host two major swim events. The first is the Rice Recreation Center Intramural Swim Meet, which will take place on Wednesday, November 4th from 8 PM-10 PM. While the event will require the use of several swimming lanes, there will still be some lanes reserved for lap swim.

The second event is a home swim meet for the Rice Women's Varsity Swim Team. This event will take place on Friday, November 6th and Saturday, November 7th and will require that the Competition Pool be closed to Rec Center swimmers at 3 PM on Friday and all day Saturday. However, the heated recreation/leisure pool will be open from 12PM-6 PM on both days.

The indoor pool that is housed in the old recreation center will remain open until 7:30 PM on Saturday, October 31st. It will be closed on Sunday, November 1st so that we can prepare to open the Competition pool.

We hope that you enjoy the new aquatic facility and we look forward to seeing you soon!

2. Rice Homecoming Election 2009

Homecoming is less than 3 weeks! That means it's time to pick your 2009 Homecoming King and Queen! Last year, Hurricane Ike won Homecoming King for reminding us what "Making It Rain" really meant, and Kathy Collins, VP for Finance, won Homecoming Queen for her complete overhaul of club finances.

Who will win this year?
Submit your nominations to:

3. Fondren BDay Party

(see attachment)

4. NODgeball
Dodge NOD and get rec'd.

Legit Promo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksWuhB_tCsU

COME: 9 pm - 1 am // Gibbs Rec Center // 10-31 //
PLAY: Dodge Ball // Indoor Soccer // Volleyball // Basketball // Badminton // Ping Pong // Racquetball // Group Games // Live Music
FEAST: Snacks // Soda

Join the facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=193878275983&ref=ts

5. Are you interested in directing the Vagina Monologues?

The Rice Women's Resource Center will be holding an information meeting for all individuals interested in directing the Vagina Monologues next semester at Rice. This annual show is an important and well-attended event at Rice, so we are seeking impassioned individuals who want to help make the show the best it can be! Come by the Women's Resource Center in Kelley Lounge at the RMC next Wednesday, November 4th at 8 pm to get information about the show, directing responsibilities, and ask any questions. Email rnp1@rice.edu with further questions, or if you cannot attend.


Rice Investment Society is starting a speaker series that is bringing
successful financial professionals from the Houston area to Rice. The
aim of these events is to help undergrads who are interested in
finance learn about the industry, discuss various career paths, and
network with established professionals. These events are going to be
fairly informal and after the speaker talks about his background and
career choices, the remainder of the event will be discussion based
and will rely on questions from the audience.

The first speaker will be J. Cole Dawson, the President of the Houston
division of Telemus Capital Partners. Prior to joining Telemus, Mr.
Dawson served as Senior Vice President-Private Banking & Investment
Group at Merrill Lynch. He is also a former Vice President-Private
Client Group at Goldman Sachs, and has served as a financial analyst
in Investment Banking at Salomon Brothers.

The event will be held on Nov. 10th at 8:00PM (Location TBA). We are
trying to gauge interest so if you think you might attend please email
John Tracey at jrt1@rice.edu

7. Cell Phone Drive

Rice's Student-Athlete Advisory Committee will be holding a campus and community wide cell phone November 9-15. I was hoping to get a listserv announcement out at each of the colleges. I have attached a copy of the flyer. If possible, could this attachment also be attached to the listserv email. Here's the message:

Cell Phone Drive! Old Phones Save Lives!
Rice's Student-Athlete Advisory Committee is holding a week long cell phone drive beginning November 9th and continuing through homecoming weekend. The donations will go toward Hope Phones and Front Line SMS - to organizations devoted to providing cell phones for health care workers in developing countries. Donation boxes will be located across campus and at all sporting events during that week. So, drop off your old phone and save a life.

8. RENT!

The NCTA(North College Theater Association)
Is proud to present its debut... RENT!!!!!!!

Here's the trailer for a sneak peek:



October 28, 2009

1. Baker Institute Presentation: India and the United States
2. Final IT Security Awareness Month Presentation:
3. Rice Shuttle Survey
4. Rice Service Council
5. Baker Sidewalk Closed
6. Zipcar
7. Fondren Bday Party!

1. Baker Institute Presentation: India and the United States

The Founding Director
of the
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy

and the

Office of the President
Rice University

cordially invite you to attend a presentation on

India and the United States:
A Partnership for Prosperity


Her Excellency Meera Shankar
Ambassador of India to the United States

with welcoming remarks and introduction by

The Honorable Edward P. Djerejian
Founding Director, Baker Institute for Public Policy


David W. Leebron
President, Rice University

Friday, November 6, 2009
5:30 pm Reception
6:00 pm Presentation
Doré Commons
James A. Baker III Hall
Rice University

Formal Invitation is attached.

Please RSVP by fax to 713.348.5993, by e-mail to bipprsvp@rice.edu
or on the Web at www.bakerinstitute.org/events/shankar
before Tuesday, November 3, 2009.

2. Final IT Security Awareness Month Presentation:

Friday, October 30, 2009
noon - 1:00 p.m.
Hanszen Classroom 207

If your credit is ruined by a thief who steals your information and runs up thousands of dollars of debt, it can jeopardize your future employment opportunities, result in declined home and car loan applications, and raise your interest rates.

Most consumers do not want to consider these threats because purchasing convenience and speed are in high demand these days, even though fast and easy financial transactions increase the risk of credit information loss and theft.

Officers Brucus Owdley and Jacob Web from the Financial Crimes Unit of the Houston Police Department discuss how to protect your credit information, how to monitor your credit reports, and the steps to take if your credit information is stolen.

Bring your lunch and join us above the Hanszen College Commons; no RSVPs required.

3. Rice Shuttle Survey

Attention Rice Shuttle riders!

Have you ever waited for a shuttle for more than ten minutes? Have
you done so standing in Houston's rain or heat?
Have you ever wondered where the shuttle was and whether it would be
faster just to walk to your destination?

Wouldn't you like a way to find out where the shuttles are without
staring down the street?

We are a Senior Design team working on a solution to your problem: a
Bus Tracking System for Rice. This system would track the locations
of the shuttles, determine their route, and provide this information
back to you, the user.
Please take our survey at the following link to help us design the
best user experience possible.

4. Rice Service Council

Want to make an impact on the culture of service at Rice?

Applications are now being accepted for the Rice Service Council.

Rice is a small campus that has several effective student organizations that promote service and advocate for social responsibility. However, often there is a lack of communication amongst these campus groups, which can limit their creativity, resources and impact. As a Rice volunteer, you have the opportunity to have a tremendous influence on the culture of service on campus by becoming a member of the new Rice Service Council. Working with other student leaders, you will not only represent your service organization but also increase collaborative efforts both on and off campus.

The Rice Service Council has four different initiatives:
1. Create a forum in which Student Service Organization leaders can learn, share, and benefit from each other
2. Coordinate a campus wide annual Volunteer Recognition Event
3. Increase Leadership Development, including coordinating the Fall Service Retreat
4. Advertise and advise on the awarding of the Community Service Grant, Spirit of Service Awards and scholarships

For more information, or to apply, visit the CIC's website (http://cic.rice.edu). Applications are due by 5:00 pm on Monday, November 9, 2009.

If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Hodgkinson, Assistant Director of the Community Involvement Center, at sarah.hodgkinson@rice.edu or 713-348-6409.

5. Baker Sidewalk Closed

For safety reasons, the sidewalk along College Way just north of Baker College will be closed until the brick work is complete at the new Baker College Wing. The construction fence will be extended this Thursday and signage will be placed directing pedestrians to alternate routes. Access to the bus stop and blue light phone near the Humanities Building will not be impacted.

A map indicating the sidewalk closure is included in this email for your use.

Please contact Larry Vossler (Vossler@rice.edu or x2988) if you have specific questions about this project. For updates on the South Colleges Renovations and Additions project please visit: www.rice.edu/scol. To view all construction notices, please visit: www.rice.edu/constructionfeed.

6. Zipcar

For those interested in the Zipcar program, this is an important information to share with you.

The zipcar application process is very easy but you must follow the instructions carefully so your application is not rejected.
1. Provide your student ID number
2. Provide your Rice email address only.
3. The mailing address you provide must match your credit card address for verification by Zipcar.
4. Once the application is approved by Zipcar and Rice, you can contact Zipcar to mail your card to your Houston address (it takes 7-10 days to receive the zipcard)

If your application is turned down use these tips and try again.

If you have any questions please contact zipcar.com/rice or call 866-4ZIPCAR.
The cars are located at the Lovett Hall parking lot near Cohen House.

At your service,
Transportation and Parking Department.

7. Fondren Bday Party!

Come celebrate Fondren Library's 60th Birthday Party: The Student Party!

Wednesday, November 4th
8:30 pm to 10:30 pm
Kyle Morrow Room, Fondren 3rd Floor

Cake, Bubble Tea, Bubbles, and music by: The Phils

Come and join in the fun!!



October 10, 2009

Oct 7th Backpage

Ice Age in Review
• 32% increase in attendance from Prohibition (not at all related to the increased student body)
• 65% increase in hook-ups
• 27± 2 purity points lost by freshmen
• 3 sexy, sexy cavemen
• 1 awkward, slow-moving glacier

Fall Break Do’s and Don’ts
• Kick that booty into shape! NOD is coming faster than you’d expect (pun intended). So you drink that Muscle Milk Shawn Gurwara.
• Brush up on your Tabasco-drinking skills….Round 3 anyone?
• Hide, from your family, the fact that you are no longer pre-med and now a Slacadem
• Embark on a sensual journey to Zone D’ Erotica
• Do anything you wouldn’t do if your roommate were here… if you do never let them know about it.
• Hook up with your high school sweetheart!
• Let your parents know that you’ve turned into a drunkard/ have hooked up with 6 girls/boys/ Zach Panos
• Let your high school friends know that you study 5 hours a day. Just tell them how hot Erol is or something.

Chethan – “Felix has been giving me advice about women.”
Henny- “Felix has been giving advice about women?! Hahahahhahahahahaha”

(Henny’s Ice Cream, Monday Night Oct 5th 9:34PM)

(Rob and Anne thanks for the π!)

October 8, 2009

Oct 7th Funpage

Oh My God! Three Funpages in three days! What is this?! Like the best week of your life or what?!


1. Rice Parking- couple of recent changes.
2. SA T-Shirt Designs
3. Sociology Study Needs Volunteers
4. Forty Tales from the Afterlives
5. Rice Cyber Sports First EVER General Meeting
6. Try Windows 7 Demo and get a $10 Gift Card!

Study hard for your midterms and maybe you?ll grow up to as smart as this guy-

1. Rice Parking wishes to communicate a couple recent changes.

* The Beer Bike Track is now open to biking during daylight hours everyday unless there is an event. Please make sure prior to riding that you do a safety check of the track and surrounding flagging to make sure nothing will impede your ride. Those who choose to use the beer bike track do so at their own risk.

* Gate 54 (closest parking control gate to the South Stadium Lot in West Lot 5) has been relocated to the street between the two lots to provide better lot security in that area. West Lot Commuter parkers (with proxy card) and visitors (with credit card) may still use West Lot 5. South Stadium Lot parkers (with proxy card) will now gain access to their lot through Gate 54. Visitors need to use West Lot 5 since South Stadium Lot requires a permit.

At Your Service,
The Rice Parking Team
2. SA T-Shirt Designs

The SA is starting a t-shirt designing competition. The winning shirt design, by a student, will be made into a shirt and sold through the bookstore and the SA. The shirt will be the OFFICIAL RICE STUDENT SHIRT FOR THE 2009-2010 YEAR!!

Please put into your individual college listserv's the information for this competition. The info can be found at sa.rice.edu/news/who-drew
It is very important that this information gets out. The competition is only three weeks long so people need to learn about it NOW!
Philip Tarpley
SA Secretary

3. Sociology Study Needs Volunteers

for a sociology study exploring the social stigma of smoking

- Are you at least 18 years old and an undergrad?
- Do you smoke cigarettes? (often? only sometimes?)

Participate in one informal interview lasting less than one hour and receive a $10 Target gift card.

For more information email Cristina Tortarolo ( ct1 at rice.edu

4. Forty Tales from the Afterlives

David Eagleman '93
reading from his new book
Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Huff House (formerly O'Connor House)
Rice Campus

7:30 p.m.
Reading and book signing

Join Rice alumni and guests for an evening with author and Rice alumnus David Eagleman '93 as he reads from his provocative new book exploring the meaning of life and death. Eagleman, a neuroscientist at Baylor College of Medicine, studies time perception, synesthesia, and the impact of neuroscience on the legal system. Sum is his first published work of fiction and has been acclaimed by Time Magazine, The New York Times Book Review, LA Times, Vanity Fair, and the Globe and Mail and continues to find new audiences worldwide. A limited number of books will be available for purchase at the event.

5. Try Windows 7 Demo and get a $10 Gift Card!

Want to try out the Windows 7, Microsoft's latest operating system made just for you?
and get a $10 gift card for trying a 5-minute demo?

Want to learn about getting Windows 7 for $30 as a student (vs. $120 retail)?

See what all the hype is about before Windows 7's release on October 22nd!
This Friday at RMC from 12:30-2:30 PM and 1-3 PM on Fridays until Nov. 20th

6. Baker Student Forum: The Big Ripoff

The Student Forum
of the
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy
Rice University
cordially invites you to attend
a discussion on

The Big Ripoff:
How Big Business and Big Government
Steal Your Money

with author
Timothy Carney
Warren T. Brookes Journalism Fellow
Competitive Enterprise Institute

Thursday, November 5, 2009
6:00 pm
Dinner to Follow

Kelly International Conference Facility
James A. Baker III Hall
Rice University

Timothy P. Carney, the Competitive Enterprise Institute?s Warren T. Brookes Journalism Fellow, is the author of ?The Big Ripoff: How Big Business and Big Government Steal Your Money? (Wiley, 2006). Carney was a 2004-2005 Phillips Foundation Journalism fellow, and before that he was a political reporter for Bob Novak and assistant editor at Human Events. He is a columnist for America?s Future Foundation?s webzine Brainwash, and is a contributing editor to Human Events. Carney has been published in The Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, New York Sun, National Review Online, American Spectator, American Conservative and other magazines, newspapers and Web sites. You can follow Carney?s blog at http://timothypcarney.blogspot.com/.
RSVP by e-mail to bisf@rice.edu before Monday, November 2, 2009.


- Chethlyn

Oct 8th Funpage

"Gosh, Chethlyn...this is like the 4th Funpage this week...like OMG!"


1. Rice Light Opera Society
2. Take a Quick Volunteering Survey and Win $25!
3. CoRE kick-off event
4. Annual Fund Student Advisory Committee
5. Yearbooks
6. Email login required to send messages as of October 15
7. Midterm Recess Rec Hours
8. Free Movie!
9. Backrub 101 Class in a few hours!!!!

In continuation of Hanszen's Funny Baby Video Week

You don't wanna miss this one

1. Rice Light Opera Society
Rice Light Opera Society (RLOS) will be hosting a light opera viewing this next Tuesday, October 13th from 8:30 PM to 11:00 PM in Herring 100 (the auditorium). We will be showing Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado, one of the greatest and funniest light operas. This event is free and everyone is invited to attend.

2. Take a Quick Volunteering Survey and Win $25!

Please take a few moments to complete this quick survey: https://www.survs.com/survey/MX665WBF1L

Whether or not you are currently involved in volunteering, your input is valuable.

AND, once you complete the survey, you'll be entered to win a $25 Cash Prize!
Please complete the survey by Saturday, October 17 to be eligible to win!

3. CoRE kick-off event

Learn about entrepreneurship and get free boba tea at the Community of Rice Entrepreneurs (CoRE) kick-off event:
Thursday, Oct. 8th at 7 PM in HUMA 117. Please RSVP!
4. Annual Fund Student Advisory Committee

In May 2008, the Board of Trustees passed a resolution to raise $1 Billion by 2012 to fund the Vision for the Second Century. We are currently seeking a select group of student leaders to help with our Annual Fund Student Advisory Committee. All students are invited to participate on the committee. The committee?s immediate purpose is to facilitate discussion and cooperation between those involved with the Centennial Campaign and those most directly impacted by the campaign -- current Rice University students. Activities related to the campaign and the Annual Fund will be on-going starting this month. All interested students should contact Sean Britton at seanb@rice.edu or 713-348-3287. Our first meeting will be near the end of October (with free food!)

5. Yearbooks

So, by now you've probably seen your fellow students poring through the Campanile yearbook... and you want your OWN. Although you've missed our distribution, there's still a chance to get your own special copy!
You can come up to the Campanile office on the 2nd floor, above the Academic Advising office stairs anytime during our office hours:
Monday 10-12:30
Tuesday 1-3
Thursday 1-3
Friday 10-12:30

Feel free to email yearbook@rice.edu with questions!

6. Email login required to send messages as of October 15

Since April 20, 2009, IT has been distributing reminders to the campus about the fact that your NetID login will be required in order to send email messages to non-Rice addresses starting October 15, 2009.

IMPACT: If NetID authentication has not been provided, each message sent to an address that does not end in "rice.edu" will result in an error notification.

* Your Rice FAX, printer, and other devices sending messages to addresses ending in rice.edu will NOT be affected.
* If you use webmail.rice.edu, you will NOT be affected.
* If your messages go to only rice.edu addresses, you will NOT be affected.

Thanks to everyone who has already adjusted their email clients to use NetID authentication for reading and sending messages.

If you do experience issues sending mail on or after October 15, please contact the Help Desk: 713.348.HELP (4357) for assistance.

7. Midterm Recess Rec Hours

Due to the upcoming Midterm Recess, the Recreation Center hours will be adjusted as follows:

Saturday, October 10th: 8am - 8pm
Sunday, October 11th: 10am - 8pm
Monday, October 12th: 6am - 9pm
Tuesday, October 13th: 6am - 9pm

We will resume normal operating hours on Wednesday, October 14th.
8. Free Movie!

Attached are some complimentary screening tickets for a new movie
9. Backrub 101 Class in a few hours!!!!

The Wellness Center has a great *limited time* offer for you...before I open it up to the rest of the campus.

What: Backrub 101 Class

When: TODAY (Thursday, Oct. 7) from 4-6 PM

Where: The *new* Wellness Center. Located at the Gibbs R

Why: Learn how to rub people the right way. Techniques for giving a friend or partner a great upper body massage. Also, the Wellness Center is going to subsidize this class. ORIGNIALLY $35 and now only $5 for RHA members!! We want you to take advantage of this class before we open it up to all Rice students. Sign up with a friend or significant other (you can invite them) and take advantage of this value.

How: RSVP by e-mailing marissah@rice.edu. First come, first served. Bring $5 cash/check to the Wellness Center at 4PM this afternoon.



October 6, 2009

Oct 6th Funpage


1. Position Available- Office Assistant
2. Teaching with Technology - Information Fluency, Oct 8
3. Pick Up Your Yearbooks at the RMC Tomorrow from 9-11 PM in the RMC
4. Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers Conference
5. Rice Cyber Sports First EVER General Meeting

Laughing babies-


1. Position Available- Office Assistant
Looking for an undergraduate student who would like to work as an office assistant in the
Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science department.

Job Title: Office Assistant
Effective: Immediately
Preferred Skills:
Computer skills (Mac , Microsoft Excel , Word) Secretarial skills (Answering telephone when needed, assistingwith copy jobs and running errands on campus for MEMS Staff.
Organizational skills ( filing )
Compensation: $9.00/hour
Alicia Contreras
Work Hours:
8-10 hours a week (flexible)

Please email aliciac@rice.edu and include a resume or a brief description of your
qualifications and a possible work schedule.


2. Teaching with Technology - Information Fluency, Oct 8

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Speakers: Debra Kolah and Leah Krevit

How can students learn to locate, evaluate, organize and synthesize information, skills crucial both in and beyond college?

Target audience: instructors and graduate students
Rice staff are also welcome.

Bring your lunch and join us in Herring 129 from noon to 1 p.m.

Additional details can be found in the Rice Events Calendar:


3. Pick Up Your Yearbooks at the RMC Tomorrow from 9-11 PM in the RMC
Campanile yearbooks 2008-2009 have arrived! Come pick them up anytime during the distro hours listed below. If you were an undergrad last year, you've already paid for them so come pick the up with your Rice ID.

In the RMC Grand Hall lobby,
Wednesday October 7th: 9PM-11PM

If you have any questions, feel free to email yearbook@rice.edu!


4. Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers Conference
On October 15-17, Rice Alliance will be hosting the annual Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers (GCEC) conference. GCEC membership consists of over 200 entrepreneurship centers from around the world. This conference provides member programs with a unique opportunity to interact in workshops and discussion sessions designed around the most pressing issues in entrepreneurial education today. In addition to networking and best-practice discussions, the conference will include workshops centered around topics including:

· Curriculum Design and Student Programming
· Center Funding, Operations, and Structure
· Center Outreach, Community Impact, and Marketing/PR
· Entrepreneurship Across Campus / Across Institutions
· Tech Commercialization and New Venture Creation

It will also feature the following keynote speakers:

Bernard Harris
Vesalius Ventures
The Harris Foundation
NASA Astronaut

Jack Gill
Vanguard Ventures
The Gill Foundation

Michael Holthouse
Prepared 4 Life
Lemonade Day

Edward B. Roberts
David Sarnoff Professor of the Management of Technology
MIT Sloan School of Management
Founder/Chair, MIT Entrepreneurship Center

Catherine Rohr
Prison Entrepreneurship Program

Jeff Sandefer
Founder, Acton MBA Program
Sandefer Capital Partners

Although this event is targeted at entrepreneurship center directors, it will be a unique learning opportunity for any who are able to attend.

This conference will not be open to the public. However, we are looking for student volunteers to participate.

The following time commitments are currently available:

Tuesday, October 13th : 1pm-3pm (conference material preparation; lunch provided)
Thursday, October 15th: 9am-noon (conference set up)
Friday, October 16th: 9am-noon (room moderator and event host ? lunch provided)
Friday, October 16th: 1pm-4pm (room moderator and event host ? lunch provided)
Saturday, October 17th: 9am-noon (room moderator and event host ? lunch provided)
Saturday, October 17th: 1pm-4pm (room moderator and event host ? lunch provided)

As a host/moderator, you will receive clear guidelines. The responsibilities will mainly involve distributing and collecting feedback forms and ensuring presentations are properly saved to our flash drive. Otherwise, you will be entirely free to enjoy the presentation.

Interested parties should contact Yanette Jimenez (yanette@rice.edu) with your shift preferences and any questions.


5. Rice Cyber Sports First EVER General Meeting
Rice Cyber Sports, Rice's one and only competitive video gaming club, is having our FIRST EVER general meeting on Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 8pm in the McMurtry PDR (upstairs above the servery). Come experience what competitive gaming is all about and learn of all the events we are planning for this year.

Check out the Facebook event, which also has the meeting agenda posted.
Hope to see everyone there! Invite your friends and tell everyone you know! Let's get this brand new and exciting club off to a successful start!


- Chethlyn

Oct 5th Funpage


1.The Importance of Being Earnest
2.VISEN Pioneers Distinguished Lecture Series and Computer Science Colloquium
3.Rice SAC Home Visit Program

Miley Cyrus ?Party in the USA?

- Because Shawn Gurwara loves this song more than life?..and maybe by mentioning this, he'll stop playing it so much

1. The Importance of Being Earnest

Don't miss the last weekend of the
Rice Players' Fall 2009 production of
Oscar Wilde's classic play
"The Importance of Being Earnest"
Thursday October 8th, Friday October 9th, and Saturday October 10th
8 pm all three evenings
Hamman Hall
Students $5
Faculty, Staff, Alum, Senior Citizens $8
Community $10
For tickets call 713-348-play
or email players@rice.edu
You can also purchase tickets at the Box Office!


2. VISEN Pioneers Distinguished Lecture Series And Computer Science Colloquium

Frances E. Allen
IBM Fellow Emerita

Date: Thursday, October 22, 2009
Time: 2:30pm
Location: DH 1064

Is Computing at a Tipping Point? A Personal Perspective

Over the last 60+ years computing, communications, and information, originally emerging from disparate disciplines, have evolved into an unimagined set of capabilities influencing, directly or indirectly, nearly every person, every institution, and every endeavor in much of the world. These capabilities form a global infrastructure for a world where time and place are often irrelevant, access to information is instantaneous, and knowledge widely shared.

The talk will address the following question: Will the field continue to evolve from where we are or has it reached a tipping point? I will draw on my experience with languages, compilers, and high performance computing to suggest a few answers.


Fran Allen?s specialty is compilers and program optimization for high performance computers. Soon after joining IBM Research as a programmer in 1957 with a University of Michigan masters degree in mathematics, Fran found the technical goal that would drive her career: Enable both programmer productivity and program performance in the development of computer applications. One result of this goal was that Fran was the recipient of ACM?s 2006 Turing Award ?For pioneering contributions to the theory and practice of optimizing compiler techniques that laid the foundation for modern optimizing compilers and automatic parallel execution.?

Fran is a member of the American Philosophical Society and the National Academy of Engineers, and a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, ACM, IEEE, and the Computer History Museum. Fran has several honorary doctorate degrees and has served on numerous national technology boards including CISE at the National Science Foundation and CSTB for the National Research Council. Fran is an active mentor, an advocate for technical women in computing, an environmentalist and an explorer.

Reception following the talk at Martel Hall

Co-sponsored by
The VISEN Center
The Dean of Engineering
Computer Science
Ken Kennedy Institute for Information Technology

3. Rice Admission Council Home Visit Program

Next time you head home for a break, why not stop by your former high school and spread the good word about Rice University?

The Office of Admission is holding training sessions to prepare you to speak about your Rice experience with prospective students in your high school. If you are interested,please email us at sandrag@rice.edu to sign up for one of the training dates listed below.

What: Home Visit Training
Where: Sewall 301
When: 12:00 noon on EITHER Wed, Oct 14; Thursday Oct 15; or Wed, Nov 11

Incentive: PIZZA! (and your love of Rice, of course)

Rice University Office of Admission


- Chethlyn